
Belle is a Melbourne-based fine art photographer whose practice explores themes of history, memory, relationship, and identity.

Within her artistic exploration, Belle delves into the intricate interplay between the past and present and how the present revitalises the echoes of history. Her work explores into how these connections intricately transform and define one's sense of self and identity.

Utilising her talent, creativity, and expertise Belle encourages individuals to observe their surroundings more closely, unveiling extraordinary beauty in unexpected places. 

Through photography, Belle finds fulfilment, she feeds her spirit and is invigorated by capturing images. Belle draws into her imagination by converting emotions, ambience, and concepts into tangible creations.

Group Exhibitions

2022: TwoFour, Yarra Sculpture Gallery, Abbotsford, Australia

2021: Zenith, Yarra Sculpture Gallery, Abbotsford, Australia

2020: My World, International Women’s Day, Melbourne Camera Club, South Melbourne, Australia

2019: The Female Gaze, International Women’s Day, Melbourne Camera Club, South Melbourne, Australia

2018: Shot In The City Of Port Phillip, Melbourne Camera Club, South Melbourne, Australia

Published Images and Articles

2022: Southbank News, Keeping Stories and memories Alive through Photography. 

2021 – 2022: Capture Magazine, The Annual, ‘Procrastination’


2023+: Master of Arts Photography, Photography Studies College, South Melbourne, Australia

2022: Advanced Diploma in Photography, Photography Studies College, South Melbourne, Australia  (Recipient of Graduate Award for Highest Achievement in Final Year 2022, Sponsored by Sun Studios).

2019: Pro Photography Certificate, Photography Studies College, South Melbourne, Australia

2017: People and Portrait Photography Certificate, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia